Fitalent运动设备服务管理软件 (下文称为“ Fitalent”) 为广西奔啦啦智能科技有限公司 (下文称为“ 公司”) 所有,本公司保留修改本协议的权利。
本公司敬请用户仔细阅读并充分了解隐私协议 (下文称为“协议”) 。
用户应仔细阅读并充分了解本协议的条款,特别是有关豁免或有限Fitalent责任、争议解决及适用法律之条款。请细阅以粗体标示的有关豁免或有限责任的条款。请仔细阅读并选择接受或不接受本协议 (未成年人在阅读本协议时应由其法定监护人陪同)。下载、安装及使用软件,即表示您同意接受本协议并受其条款约束。
Fitalent保留修改本协议的权利。本协议的条款如有更新,将于官方网站或软件上公布,自发布日起生效。用户可在网站重新下载及安装软件,或检视本协议的最新版本。Fitalent修改本协议条款后,如果您不接受修改后的条款,请立即停止使用由Fitalent提供的“Fitalent”软件及服务; 用户继续使用Fitalent提供的“Fitalent”软件及服务将被视为接受本协议的修订条款。
为了向您提供我们的服务,我们会要求您提供向您提供服务所必需的个人信息。如果您不提供个人信息,我们可能无法向您提供我们的产品或服务。我们收集以下各类信息(无论其是否为个人信息) :
. 1.1.1. 个人身体资料: 启动Fitalent后,我们需要您提供生日、身高、体重、性别数据,以计算您的运动结果;然而Fitalent不会上传您的个人身体相关信息。
. 1.1.2. 装置记录数据 : 当您使用Fitalent同步装置数据时,我们会记录个人资料,包括但不限于步数、心率、血压、血氧饱和度、睡眠、运动等数据;然而Fitalent不会上传您的装置数据相关信息。
. 1.1.3. 来电信息: 当您使用来电、短讯提示功能时,您将取得来电、短信状态。若您准许取得来电联络人信息,则将于装置接收来电和短信时,显示联络人数据。然而Fitalent不会上传您的联络人及其他相关信息。
. 1.1.4. 手机信息: 当您使用Fitalent时,为确定是否支持您的手机,我们需要取得您的手机操作系统版本及移动手机品牌型号。
. 1.1.5. 网络信息: 我们可能会收集与Fitalent特定功能相关的网络类型、网络信号等。
. 1.1.6. 位置信息: 当您使用基于位置的程序服务或功能时,我们可能会请求开启位置服务。例如,当您通过手机连接硬件装置的时候;然而Fitalent不会储存、上传您的位置相关信息。
. 1.1.7. 日志信息: 当您浏览Fitalent服务器时,我们的服务器将自动记录若干记录数据,包括但不限于:IP地址、浏览器类型、浏览器语言、参考源页面、操作系统、时间戳和点击流数据。
. 1.1.8. 设备信息: 当您使用Fitalent连接硬件装置 (包括但不限于 ) 该装置的唯一标识符、韧体版本及大概地理位置的数据 (非个人资料 ) 将被发送至服务器。上述数据收集亦可能适用于您的更新系统或软件、恢复原厂设定等。
. 1.1.9. 调试信息: 当您选择上载调试信息协助我们分析问题时,您的调试信息将被传送至服务器。
. 1.1.10. 反馈信息: 当您主动填写并上传意见反馈内容时,您的反馈信息将被传送至服务器,以便于我们为您更好的解决;
. 1,相机、照片
. 2,麦克风和录音
. 3,位置信息
. 4,通讯录
. 5,短信权限
. 6,拨打电话、通话记录
. 7,蓝牙
若您已有相关硬件设备(不管是否为Fitalent品牌),希望将硬件产品记录的信息(包括但不限于步数、心率、血氧饱和度、血压、睡眠、运动数据等已同意上传的个人信息及个人身体数据)同步至Fitalent, 则可以通过开启蓝牙功能实现。如您拒绝开启的,仅会使您无法使用该功能,但并不影响您正常使用Fitalent的其他功能。同时,您也可以随时通过相关功能设置取消该权限。但当您取消该授权后,我们将不再收集该信息,也无法再为您提供上述与之对应的服务;但除非您依照法律的规定删除了您的信息,否则您的取消行为不会影响我们基于您之前的授权进行的信息的处理、存储。
. 8,设备信息
. 2.1.1计算运动结果:我们会使用个人身体数据及/或设备记录的数据计算运动结果,用于在APP及/或设备内向您展示,不仅限于BMI、 PAI、 肌肉、体脂、水分、蛋白质、基础代谢、内脏脂肪、骨量、体型、身体年龄、卡路里消耗等。
. 2.1.3 提供Fitalent服务:相关的设备与Fitalent同步后,设备中记录的数据将会同步到Fitalent中,并展示给用户。显示来电信息。当您收到来电、文字信息,部分支持该功能的设备上会显示来电或信息的数据。
. 2.1.4 显示来电信息: 您使用来电、短信提醒功能时,Fitalent会获得来电、短信、通讯录相关的数据。在您的允许下,相关的来电、短信、通讯录等数据用于手环、手表等设备显示,但是Fitalent不会存储您相关来电、短信、通讯录相关的数据。
. 2.1.5应用运行崩溃处理:为保证用户使用APP的良好体验,我们再APP中加入的腾讯Bugly的异常日志SDK,在使用APP过程中遇到APP崩溃情况时,该SDK会将异常日志上传到腾讯Bugly后台以帮助我们了解崩溃的信息。 为实现BuglySDK的特定业务功能,我们可能需要向App开发者和/或终端用户收集相关个人信息,主要包括:日志信息(包括:第三方开发者自定义日志、Logcat日志以及APP崩溃堆栈信息)、设备ID(含MAC地址)、联网信息、系统名称、系统版本以及国家码。您可以点击BuglySDK隐私保护声明查看详细的隐私信息。
我们有时可能会向第三方披露您的个人信息,以便提供您要求的产品或服务。 我们可能会向本部分下文列出的第三方服务供应商和关联公司作出披露。在本部分所述的各种情况下,您可以放心,Fitalent仅会根据您的授权共享您的个人信息。您应当了解,在下文描述的任何情况下,当Fitalent与第三方服务供应商共享您的个人信息时,Fitalent会通过合同规定第三方的实践和义务,遵守适用的地方数据保护法。Fitalent会通过合同保证第三方服务供应商遵守您所属司法管辖区中适用于他们的隐私权标准。
. 1、事先获得终端用户的明确授权或同意;
. 2、满足法律法规、法律程序的要求或强制性的政府要求或司法裁定;
. 3、我们或我们的关联公司涉及合并、分立、收购或破产清算时,终端用户的个人信息有可能作为此类交易的一部分而被转移,我们将确保该等信息在转移时的机密性,并要求新的持有终端用户个人信息的公司、组织继续受此隐私政策的约束,否则我们将要求该公司、组织重新向终端用户征求授权同意。
. 1、与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;
. 2、与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;
. 3、与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;
. 4、出于维护终端用户或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;
. 5、终端用户自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;
. 6、从合法公开披露的信息中收集终端用户的个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。
. 7、根据个人信息主体要求签订和履行合同所必需的;
. 8、用于维护所提供的产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品或服务的故障;
. 9、法律法规规定的其他情形。
为实现Bugly SDK的特定业务功能,我们可能需要向App开发者和/或终端用户收集相关个人信息,主要包括:日志信息(包括:第三方开发者自定义日志、Logcat日志以及APP崩溃堆栈信息)、设备ID(包括:androidid以及idfv)、联网信息、系统名称、系统版本以及国家码。您可以点击Bugly SDK隐私保护声明查看详细的隐私信息。
收集个人信息类型:设备信息(IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM卡IMSI/IP/地理位置)
我们的隐私政策不适用于第三方提供的产品和服务。Fitalent产品和服务可能包括第三方的产品和服务,以及第三方网站的链接。当您使用这些产品或服务时,也可能收集您的信息。因此我们强烈建议您花时间阅读第三方的隐私政策,就像您阅读我们的政策一样。 我们不对第三方如何使用他们向您收集的个人信当您使用这些特定产品时,适用于以下第三方条款和隐私政策:
. 友盟+: 隐私政策:
. Google Map: 隐私政策:
. Google 登录: 需要调取您的网络权限,将收集您的网络状态;根据您的指定为您提供APP登录服务;隐私政策:
. 高德地图、高德定位: 需要调取您的定位权限,将收集您的设备信息、网络状态、位置信息、WI-Fi信息,以便在您户外运动时为您提供地图及定位服务;隐私政策:
. 微信登录、分享: 需要调取您的网络权限、外部存储写入权限,将收集您的网络状态、并根据您的指定为您提供账号登录以及信息分享服务;隐私政策:
. QQ登录、分享: 需要调取您的网络权限、外部存储写入权限,将收集您的网络状态、并根据您的指定为您提供账号登录以及信息分享服务;隐私政策:
. Google FIt: 隐私政策:
. 苹果健康: 隐私政策:
. Facebook share、Facebook登录: 需要调取您的网络权限、收集您的网络状态,以便根据您的指定为您提供APP登录及信息分享服务;隐私政策:
. 科大讯飞语音播放: 需要调取您的网络权限、收集您的网络状态、位置信息服务、AndroidID,以便根据您的指定为您提供APP的语言播报服务;隐私政策:
. 阿里云推送、阿里反馈: 需要调取您的网络权限、收集您的网络状态、位置信息服务、收集手机IMSI、IMEI、MAC等信息,以便根据您的指定为您提供APP的推送服务;隐私政策:阿里云推送服务隐藏政策
Fitalent sports equipment service management software (hereinafter referred to as " Fitalent ") is owned by Guangxi Million Concept BHL Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company ") , and the company reserves the right to modify this agreement.
The company invites users to read and fully understand the privacy agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "agreement").
Users should carefully read and fully understand the terms of this Agreement, especially those regarding waiver or limited Fitalent liability, dispute resolution and applicable law. PLEASE READ THE TERMS OF EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN BOLD. Please read carefully and choose to accept or not to accept this agreement (minors should be accompanied by their legal guardians when reading this agreement). By downloading, installing and using the software, you agree to accept and be bound by this agreement.
Fitalent reserves the right to modify this Agreement. If the terms of this agreement are updated, they will be posted on the official website or software and will take effect from the date of publication. Users can re-download and install the software on the website, or view the latest version of this agreement. After Fitalent modifies the terms of this agreement, if you do not accept the revised terms, please stop using the " Fitalent " software and services provided by Fitalent immediately ; the user's continued use of the "Fitalent" software and services provided by Fitalent will be deemed to accept this agreement revised terms.
You can terminate the following data collection or use of functions by uninstalling this software, and all data stored therein will be deleted accordingly;
Basic personal information (age or date of birth, gender, height, weight), sports health information (exercise data and health data), application information (basic application information, application usage information), network information (operator information), location information (precise location information), device information (basic system information, device name, device identifier, IMEI, MAC address, system log, system usage information, device usage information), and data you actively upload (questions and suggestions, etc.). This information can help calculate exercise data more accurately, and exercise health information is used to store and display it for users.
In order to provide you with our services, we will ask you to provide the personal information necessary to provide you with the services. If you do not provide personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services. We collect the following types of information (whether or not it is personal information):
. 1.1.1 . Personal body information: After launching Fitalent , we need you to provide your birthday, height, weight, gender data to calculate your exercise results ; however, Fitalent will not upload your personal body -related information.
. 1.1.2 . Device recording data: When you use Fitalent to synchronize device data, we will record personal data, including but not limited to steps, heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, sleep, exercise and other data; however, Fitalent does not Information about your device data will be uploaded .
. 1 .1. 3 . Caller information: When you use the caller and SMS alert function, you will get the caller and SMS status. If you allow access to incoming call contact information, the contact data will be displayed when the device receives incoming calls and text messages. However, Fitalent will not upload your contacts and other related information.
. 1.1.4 . Mobile phone information: When you use Fitalent , in order to determine whether your mobile phone is supported, we need to obtain your mobile phone operating system version and mobile phone brand model.
. 1.1.5 . Network Information : We may collect network types, network signals, etc. related to specific functions of Fitalent .
. 1.1.6 . Location Information : When you use a location - based program service or feature, we may request that location services be turned on . For example, when you connect a hardware device through a mobile phone ; however, Fitalent does not store or upload your location -related information.
. 1.1.7 . Log information: When you browse the Fitalent server , our server will automatically record certain log data, including but not limited to: IP address, browser type, browser language, reference source page, operating system, time Poke and clickstream data.
. 1.1.8 . Device Information: When you use Fitalent to connect a hardware device (including but not limited to) the device's unique identifier, firmware version and data (non-personal data) of its approximate geographic location will be sent to the server. The above data collection may also apply to updating your system or software, restoring factory settings, etc.
. 1.1.9 . Debug information: When you choose to upload debug information to help us analyze the problem, your debug information will be sent to the server.
. 1.1.10 . Feedback information: When you take the initiative to fill in and upload the feedback content, your feedback information will be transmitted to the server , so that we can better solve it for you;
. 1. Camera, photo
When you upload pictures, we will ask you to authorize the camera, photo-related permissions, and collect the pictures you upload to us after you take them. When using the "Shake to take pictures" function, we will take pictures by accepting the instructions sent by the smart device via Bluetooth. If you refuse to provide permission and content, it will only make you unable to use the function, but will not affect your normal use of other functions of Fitalent . At the same time, you can cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. When you cancel the authorization, we will no longer collect the information, and will no longer be able to provide you with the above-mentioned corresponding services; but unless you delete your information in accordance with the law, your cancellation will not affect us. Processing and storage of information based on your previous authorization.
. 2. Microphone and recording
When you use the call mute function of your smart device, we will access your device's microphone and recording-related permissions. We need this permission to hang up and mute the phone. If you refuse to provide, it will only make you unable to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of Fitalent . At the same time, you can cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. However, when you cancel the authorization, we will no longer collect the information, and we will no longer be able to provide you with the above-mentioned corresponding services; however, unless you delete your information in accordance with the law, your cancellation will not affect Our processing and storage of information based on your previous authorization.
. 3. Location information
You can authorize to turn on the GPS positioning function and use the related services we provide based on your location. Of course, you can also stop our collection of your geographic location information at any time by turning off the positioning function. You can allow us to access your location information to search for blue devices. At the same time, you can cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. When you cancel the authorization, we will no longer collect the information, and will no longer be able to provide you with the above-mentioned corresponding services; but unless you delete your information in accordance with the law, your cancellation will not affect us. Processing and storage of information based on your previous authorization.
. 4. Contacts
you use the smart device to remind you of incoming calls , frequently used contacts and other functions, we will request the permission of the address book, and we will only use it to read the address book to recommend friends in the address book to you, and display contacts on Fitalent 's own smart device. The information in the address book will be encrypted, and will not modify, delete, or change your address book contacts. You can also deny/cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. Refusal to provide this permission will only prevent you from using the above-mentioned functions, but will not affect the normal use of Fitalent's functions and services; however, when you cancel this authorization, we will no longer collect the information, and will no longer be able to provide you with the above-mentioned corresponding functions. However, unless you delete your information in accordance with the law, your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of information based on your previous authorization.
. 5. SMS permission
Synchronize the mobile phone text messages to the smart wearable device, and you can also refuse/cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. Refusal to provide this permission will only make you unable to use the above-mentioned functions, but will not affect the normal use of other Fitalent functions and services; however, when you cancel this authorization, we will no longer collect this information, and will no longer be able to provide you with the above-mentioned and other related functions. However, unless you delete your information in accordance with the law, your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of information based on your previous authorization.
. 6. Make calls and call records
After you newly install Fitalent , we will ask for permission to dial phone number and read call records. The permission to dial phone number will allow you to connect to Fitalent 's own smart device, hang up the phone with your smart device ( Fitalent smart watch, bracelet) Disconnect the call; the permission to read user call records will allow your smart device to display caller information, including address book, caller number, when the caller is displayed. At the same time, you can cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. When you cancel the authorization, we will no longer be able to provide you with the above-mentioned corresponding services; but unless you delete your information in accordance with the law, your cancellation will not affect our previous authorization. Processing and storage of information.
. 7. Bluetooth
If you already have relevant hardware equipment (whether it is a Fitalent brand or not), and wish to upload the information recorded by the hardware product (including but not limited to steps, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure, sleep, exercise data and other personal information that you have agreed to upload) and personal body data) to Fitalent , you can realize by turning on the Bluetooth function. If you refuse to open it, it will only make you unable to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of Fitalent . At the same time, you can cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. However, when you cancel the authorization, we will no longer collect the information, and we will no longer be able to provide you with the above-mentioned corresponding services; however, unless you delete your information in accordance with the law, your cancellation will not affect Our processing and storage of information based on your previous authorization.
. 8. Device information
After asking for your consent, we will obtain the mobile phone brand information, android system version, and mobile network environment (mobile network, Wifi network, etc.) information of your device for log collection. After the APP crashes, the system uploads the crash information to The Bugly log statistics platform provided by third-party Tencent is used to solve the compatibility problem of the Android platform. The collection of device information is only used to count the crash information generated during the running of the APP, and no functions related to device information are used elsewhere;
The purpose of collecting personal information is to provide you with better products and/or services and to ensure that we comply with applicable laws. You hereby consent to our processing of personal information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and the disclosure of personal information to our affiliates (who are involved in communications, social media, technology and cloud businesses), third-party service providers (as defined below). We may use your personal information for the following purposes:
. 2.1.1 Calculating exercise results : We will use personal body data and/or data recorded by the device to calculate exercise results for displaying to you in the APP and/or device, not limited to BMI, PAI, muscle, body fat, water, protein , basal metabolism, visceral fat, bone mass, body type, body age, calorie consumption , etc.
. 2.1.3 Provide Fitalent service: After the related device is synchronized with Fitalent , the data recorded in the device will be synchronized to Fitalent and displayed to the user. Display caller information. When you receive an incoming call or text message, some devices that support this feature will display the data of the incoming call or message.
. 2.1.4 Display caller information: When you use the call and SMS reminder function, Fitalent will obtain the data related to the caller, SMS and address book. With your permission, relevant data such as incoming calls, text messages, and contacts will be displayed on devices such as wristbands and watches, but Fitalent will not store data related to your relevant incoming calls, text messages, and contacts.
. 2.1.5 Application crash handling: In order to ensure a good experience for users when using the APP, we have added Tencent Bugly's exception log SDK to the APP. When the APP crashes during the use of the APP, the SDK will upload the exception log to the APP. Tencent Bugly background to help us understand the crash information. In order to implement the specific business functions of BuglySDK, we may need to collect relevant personal information from App developers and/or end users, mainly including: log information (including: third-party developer custom logs, Logcat logs, and app crash stack information), Device ID (including MAC address), networking information, system name, system version and country code. You can click the BuglySDK Privacy Statement to view detailed privacy information.
share or sell any personal information to third parties.
From time to time, we may disclose your personal information to third parties in order to provide the products or services you have requested. We may make disclosures to the third party service providers and affiliates listed below in this section. In the various situations described in this section, you can rest assured that Fitalent will only share your personal information in accordance with your authorization. You should understand that in any of the circumstances described below, when Fitalent shares your personal information with a third-party service provider, Fitalent will contractually define the practices and obligations of the third party to comply with applicable local data protection laws. Fitalent contractually guarantees that third-party service providers comply with the privacy standards applicable to them in your jurisdiction.
For statistical analysis and other purposes, our products may integrate third-party SDKs or other similar applications, such as [Youmeng+] SDK, [Youmeng+] SDK needs to collect the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) of your device , iOS Advertising Identifier (IDFA), device Mac address, and device model.
In order to provide location-based services such as positioning and navigation, our products may integrate third-party SDKs or other similar applications, such as AutoNavi SDK. AutoNavi SDK needs to collect your [International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)] ], [iOS Advertising Identifier (IDFA)], [device Mac address and device model] and other information.
We will not transfer personal information of end users to any third party, except in the following cases:
. 1. Obtain the explicit authorization or consent of the end user in advance;
. 2. To meet the requirements of laws and regulations, legal procedures or mandatory government requirements or judicial rulings;
. 3. When we or our affiliates are involved in merger, division, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, the personal information of end users may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will ensure the confidentiality of such information when transferring, and New companies and organizations that hold the personal information of end users are required to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy, otherwise we will require the company and organization to seek authorization and consent from end users again.
We will only publicly disclose personal information of end users under the following circumstances:
. 1. Those directly related to national security and national defense security;
. 2. Those directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
. 3. Those directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;
. 4. In order to protect the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of end users or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;
. 5. Personal information disclosed by end users to the public by themselves;
. 6. Collecting personal information of end users from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.
. 7. Necessary to sign and perform a contract according to the personal information subject's request;
. 8. Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as discovering and disposing of faults in the products or services;
. 9. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.
According to the law, sharing and transferring de-identified personal information and ensuring that the recipient of the data cannot recover and re-identify the subject of the personal information does not belong to the external sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information. Storage and processing will not require separate notification and consent of the end user.
Your personal information will not be stored on the server , we promise to keep your personal information safe. To prevent unauthorized access, disclosure or other similar risks, we have put in place a process of reasonable physical, electronic and managerial measures to protect the information we collect from your device. We will take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information.
We will strictly select business partners and service providers, and implement personal information protection requirements into business contracts or audit, assessment and other activities of both parties. We guarantee that employees and third-party service providers who access this information to help provide you with products or services have strict contractual confidentiality obligations, and failure to meet these obligations will result in disciplinary action or termination.
We conduct security and privacy protection training courses, testing and outreach activities to increase employee awareness of the importance of protecting personal information. We will take all feasible measures to protect your personal information. However, you should be aware that use of the Internet is not always secure, and therefore, we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal information when it is transmitted in both directions over the Internet.
We will promptly notify the relevant supervisory authorities of the disclosure of personal data, and notify data subjects of relevant data breaches in accordance with applicable legal requirements (including your local data protection regulations).
In the following cases, the sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information of end users do not require prior authorization and consent of end users:
Fitalent acknowledges that privacy concerns vary from person to person. Therefore, we have provided some examples of the various ways Fitalent provides you with options to limit the collection, use, disclosure or processing of your personal information and to control your privacy settings:
You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal information in our possession or control by submitting a request. This can be done by sending an email to We will process your request within a reasonable time after your request and will not collect, use and/or disclose your personal information thereafter in accordance with your request.
We understand and respect your right to choose. If you are unwilling to participate in [Umeng+] big data computing, you can also exercise your opt-out right through
Please be aware that there are certain legal consequences to your revocation of consent. Depending on the extent to which you withdraw your consent to allow us to process your personal information, this may mean that you cannot enjoy Fitalent products and services. If you have previously consented to our use of your personal information for the above-mentioned purposes, you can do so at any time in writing or to .cn Email us to change your decision.
We believe it is the responsibility of parents and guardians to monitor the use of our products and services by minors. If your child is a minor under the age of 14, before your child uses the products and services we provide, you, as a parent or guardian, must expressly consent to Fitalent 's collection of your child's personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Fitalent without their prior consent , please contact us to ensure that such personal information is deleted and that the minor unsubscribes from any applicable service.
We conduct periodic reviews of this Privacy Policy and we may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our information practices. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by email (sent to the email address specified in your account) or by posting it on all Fitalent websites or via your mobile device so you can learn about the information we collect and how we use it information. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. Your continued use of the Products and Services on your mobile phone and/or any other device will be deemed acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy. When we collect more personal information from you or we wish to use or disclose your personal information for a new purpose, we will ask for your consent again
In order to implement the specific business functions of the Bugly SDK, we may need to collect relevant personal information from App developers and/or end users, mainly including: log information (including: third-party developer custom logs, Logcat logs, and app crash stack information) , Device ID (including: androidid and idfv), networking information, system name, system version and country code. You can click the Bugly SDK Privacy Statement to view detailed privacy information.
Use SDK name: Umeng SDK
Service type: Social sharing
Collection of personal information type: Device information (IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI/IP/geolocation)
Privacy policy link: Umeng Privacy Policy Permissions
Our Privacy Policy does not apply to products and services offered by third parties. Fitalent products and services may include third-party products and services, as well as links to third-party websites. Your information may also be collected when you use these products or services. We therefore strongly recommend that you take the time to read the privacy policies of third parties, just as you would read ours. We do not give any information about how third parties use the personal information they collect from you. When you use these specific products, the following third party terms and privacy policies apply:
. Umeng+: Privacy Policy:
. Google Map: Privacy Policy:
. Google login: need to call your network permission, will collect your network status; provide you with APP login service according to your designation; privacy policy:
. AutoNavi map, AutoNavi positioning: You need to obtain your positioning permission, and will collect your device information, network status, location information, and WI-Fi information to provide you with map and positioning services when you are exercising outdoors; Privacy Policy :
. WeChat login and sharing: You need to obtain your network permissions and external storage write permissions, will collect your network status, and provide you with account login and information sharing services according to your designation; Privacy Policy: http://weixin.
. QQ login and sharing: You need to call your network permissions and external storage write permissions, will collect your network status, and provide you with account login and information sharing services according to your designation; Privacy Policy: https://www.
. Google FIt: Privacy Policy:
. Apple Health: Privacy Policy:
. Facebook share, Facebook login: You need to call your network permissions and collect your network status in order to provide you with APP login and information sharing services according to your designation; Privacy Policy: privacy/
. iFLYTEK Voice Play: You need to retrieve your network permissions, collect your network status, location information services, and AndroidID, so as to provide you with the language broadcast service of the APP according to your designation ; Privacy Policy: https://www.xfyun .cn/doc/tts/online_tts/online_tts_sdkprivacy.html
. Alibaba Cloud Push, Alibaba Feedback: You need to call your network permissions, collect your network status, location information services, collect mobile phone IMSI, IMEI, MAC and other information, in order to provide you with APP push services according to your designation; Privacy Policy : Alibaba Cloud Push Service Hidden Policy
In the process of using Fitalent , if you encounter any problems, please send an email to to get in touch with us, we will solve the problems you encounter in time.